
French Yoot "win" they don't have to risk being fired. So France lurches on to their eventual collapse that history will regard as a national suicide.

Brits bail on Airbus: this is big news in Euroville because this government subsidized plane company is now a potential albatross around the neck of the EU. The governments own most of the manufacturing and the people working in plants must be kept on the (dole-payrolls) or unemployment will ravage the continent. Trouble surfaced when the Frogs tried to palm off what is basically a used plane---a hopped up A320 --- as brand a new A350, a plane that has so little headroom that Boeing will smoke it. The billions and billions in subsidies just keep on coming and will keep on coming in spite of everything.

Dems to curtail free speech? It looks like in addition to impeaching Bush, the Democrats want to "get" both Limbaugh and O'Reilly if they can. In fact the Liberals want to get control of content on the internet, talk radio, and cable news. We all better wake up because "campaign financing" is the foot in the door covering speech. Good piece in City Journal.

Newspapers and magazines may be teaming up illegally to force everyone accessing their news sites to pay. They have a point in that almost all internet content is a rehash of what is on the MSM news sites. Stay tuned on this one.

Before you go into a road rage after reading Malkin on school demonstration, be sure you check the asterisk at the bottom of the piece. Sort of takes the heat off it.

This is the home page of a site called flimstrip. Go there and listen to the tune "Bush is an asshole" and check their index. This is a site we should all check regularly because it is the best Left Wing hit site on the planet. The Republicans better get hip, fast. They have posted lots of good stuff we may not have seen. Keep in mind that the misery photos shown in the "title song" are all from the thirties. Also look at The Water Has Risen which I guarantee will be a Democratic ad this summer. This left wing hit site is very effective. (upraised fist: Malkin)

Have to do my taxes, so bye bye.

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