
Malkin has the best----and only---accurate assessment of Zarqawi and the Al Qaeda mobs in Iraq. Read her because you won't see it on any MSM outlet. Problem is that just a few nuts can kill hundreds. Powerline adds this:

So, put it all together: al Qaeda in Iraq is failing. It has little military strength, and the Iraqi people "do not support its cause." It has succeeded in one arena only: the American media. Yet, despite the despair manifested by the authors of the captured documents, that one success may be all that al Qaeda needs. Because the perverse negativity of the American press is the only view that most Americans get of the conflict's progress. And, because of their shoddy coverage of the war, our reporters and editors provide the terrorists with their only gleam of hope.

And spare us the hate mail: I didn't say it. al Qaeda did.
Read the whole thing.

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