

Ann Coulter, the bitch Goddess, the anti-Marx, the uber demon agent of the Right, has a genius for publicity---and the truth. I mean attacking the 9/11 widows is like going after Jesus in The Vatican, you just know you will get results by the ream.

In her new book she goes after "The Jersey Girls," that bunch of left wing harpies that I blasted here a couple of years ago (reprinted below). Coulter is right correct regarding these sleazy willing tools of the Left:

A few days ago I decided to write a short simple piece on the 9/11 "Moms" AKA Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. My purpose was to show a simple diagram of their money and connections to Left Wing causes. Simple? No way. The maze of various conduits for both money and Left Wing groups would make Enron proud. All these Leftist groups set up an impenetrable tangle of relationships so complex that it is impossible to find the "simple" set up. With the Left, as with corporate criminality, nothing is simple.


First, each and every Leftist group literally controls the Google search sites containing their names. They do this by flooding each and every site with "Links" to one another. The result is that there will be as many as 25 Google entries that praise your search target before you may find something that evaluates the target or is critical.

Second, these groups are incestuous. People from one group will appear on ten or more other groups, some of which are honest. Their tenticles slither into every nook and cranny of Left Life: enviornmental, labor, anti-war, anti-NAFTA, secularism, and so on. Their pupose is clearly to divert attention from their main goals which are the destruction of our economic system and the destruction of Republican Democracy.


So instead of the simple diagram of the 9/11 "Moms" (Latest name is "The Jersey Girls) I had planned, I will lead you through a maze until either you or I get exhausted, that way you can get a feel of what the Left is doing and how they do it. In case you are wondering, they learned their tunneling craft from the Communists of the 30s, 40s and 50s. More than a few of these "cause" groups are Communists, and they have plenty of money from foundations, instead of Moscow.

Everybody has a right to be whatever they want to be, Left or Right. We all know Limbaugh is Right, Franken is Left, and so on. They hide from nobody. The 9/11 "Moms" are an entirely different matter. They are a throwback to the "Popular Front" days of the Communist Party USA. The Communists were particularly adept at hiding behind "Popular Fronts". The technique has always been the same: throw up a picture of George Washington, Jesus Christ, or Abraham Lincoln, come up with a great sounding name for your organization, (preferably contianing words like Mom, Patriot, Heritage etc.) and then launch Communist propaganda and raise money to fund some awful stuff. That was Communist Plots for Dummies. It's different now.


The 9/11 "Moms" are a popular front. Hiding behind that name and "Families for Peaceful Tomorrows" they are attacking the Administration, the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and supporting many terrorist organizations by raising money and donating the money to "causes". These "causes" will in turn donate to someone else who will donate to someone else who will donate back to the original donor. Get it?. The string of "donations" can be as long as fifty organizations. Nobody knows the source of the money. Drug cartel, anyone?

"Fungible" is the operative word in any discussion of money donated to these kinds of groups. When we say the funds are "fungible" we mean that when donations are made for flood relief it allows money already allocated for flood relief inside the organization to be "switched" to something else. All of us are familiar with what the 9/11 funds did with money that was supposed to go to families. That was stealing. Money that went to the Red Cross for 9/11 relief meant that money already inside the Red Cross designed for disasters like that suddenly became available for things like salaries, symphony orchestras in Brooklyn, and abortion mills. The Red Cross donations were "fungible".

The 9/11 "Moms" or "Families for Peaceful Tomorrows" is not just a group formed to agitate our government to find the "truth" about 9/11. It is a front for raising money to be "donated" to other places. All Left. All against the Bush Administration. Against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some go to back to far Left groups like The Tides Foundation (which gave them money) which in turn will fund "moveon.org" (Bush is Hitler ads).

Tides is funded by people like Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry, the one with the billion bucks to throw around. Tides in their turn have funded Peaceful Tomorrows to the tune of millions.

I'd like to call these organization "Daisy Chain" fronts. The long chain of incestuous connections can stretch through a maze of fifty or more "fronts" all having one thing in common; they are against any capitalism, against almost all democratic government that isn't Marxist, and they dislike America a lot. Recipients of "fungible donations" go to fronts like Democracy Now, an organization that wants to stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) which is part of NAFTA. Remember money that goes to the "Moms" can end up there. Money from Tides can end up with the "Moms" and be passed through the Daisy Chain. The sheer number of connecting groups will exhaust investigators. Families for Peaceful Tomorrows (9/11 Moms) send a rep bearing their name to the Institute for Healing of Memories, in partnership with the Desmond Tutu Leadership Academy in South Africa. This Healing of Memories is another front claiming: goals that are an exploration of "anger, hatred, shame and guilt, and the journeys toward forgiveness, healing and wholeness" topics which supposedly resonate with Peaceful Tomorrows' mission to seek effective, nonviolent solutions to terrorism (against wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and wars against Terror), while acknowledging a common experience with all people similarly affected by violence throughout the world. Get the complexity? Oh, and they boo Condeleeza Rice at the 9/11 hearings.


When accused by the New York Post, Wall Street Journal, and FOX News of receiving money from the Left Wing Tides Foundation the "9/11 Moms" issued a single statement with two conflicting paragraphs; one denying getting money from Tides Foundation, and the second admitting getting money from Tides. Keep in mind the term "fungible" in the second paragraph

1. "Peaceful Tomorrows has no connection with the Heinz or Kerry families through Tides Foundation, the Tides Center or any other entity. Nor does Peaceful Tomorrows endorse any candidate for any political office. (In fact, they are almost an arm of the DNC)

2. Peaceful Tomorrows has been a not-for-profit project of the Tides Center since July of 2002. (The one they have "no connection" with) As our fiscal sponsor, the Tides Center provides administrative and financial services (there's the fungible) that allow the staff and membership of Peaceful Tomorrows to focus on work related to our mission. We raise money for our own work and we pay Tides Center 9% of those funds in exchange for vital services such as invoice payment, tax services, and insurance.

So they get money from Tides and give money back to them. In the normal world of the rest of us this is called a "kickback", "commission" or "vig". Lots of luck figuring out the net. The 9/11 Moms are clearly involved in Left Wing politics and fund raising.


The 9/11 Moms have done other things. The "Moms" support legislation to repeal sections of the USA Patriot Act. Using money and good will they get from using their "plight" one of them went to Afghanistan to apologize for our actions there and offering solace. The Wall Street Journal ran a piece containing the following:

What we have, instead, are politically motivated activists standing willingly as a "front" organization for the Democratic Party. They've traded on the press's reluctance to question their motives, hoping for a free run to impugn Mr. Bush every time he discusses terrorism from now until the election. Families for Peaceful Tomorrows is hardly alone; scratch the surface and many of the other groups and individuals making a fuss have similar ties.

The New York Post took a healthy swipe at the poor "Moms" too. After pointing out that the group had at most only two dozen members and represent no more than 1/100 of the families of 9/11, The Post also stated that besides a "far left agenda and a festering hatred" of the Bush Administration the "Moms".....:
....group was formed specifically to oppose the entire War on Terror: Not just the campaign against Saddam Hussein, but also the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Indeed, the group's leaders traveled to Afghanistan, drawing a detestable moral equivalence between the 9/11 attacks and U.S. bombing of the Taliban and opposing "violent responses to terrorism."
Then, before the onset of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a Peaceful Tomorrows delegation went to Baghdad to "demonstrate solidarity" with Iraqis - a move that Saddam's deputy, Tariq Aziz, termed at the time "a very important international development."

Ain't the Moms terrific? This self designated "victim group" then set out to smear the Soldiers and Marines in combat. The 9/11 Moms demanded that Congress set up a $20 million fund to compensate Afghan "victims" of the U.S. military. Any doubt about the connection to the DNC should be put to rest with this, again from the Post...

......back in January 2003, the group (Moms) said had it had gotten a "verbal commitment" to the fund proposal from the junior senator from Massachusetts - John F. Kerry

Now you see just a part of the labyrinth of inter- related incestuous funding of this particular Left Wing "Popular Front" group.


But it gets better. The "Moms" have a sugar daddy. That sugar daddy is none other than the wifey-poo of Democratic Presidential candidate, John (Heinz) Kerry. Now Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry ain't giving no money to a bunch of pissing and moaning widows. Unless those widows support her hubby and are Left.

Now wifey-poo ain't stupid. She isn't going get caught giving these whining phonies any money directly. So a few of her THREE foundations send "fungible" money to another foundation called The Tides Foundation . Since this is all foundation to foundation, the true sources of the "donations" are secret. George Soros? Barbra Streisand? Oil for Food? Nobody knows. Money comes from Heinz and is "donated" to Tides. Tides also gets lots and lots of other money. It has been described as money laundering for fake charaties. The money is effectively laundered before distribution. She donates to Tides and Tides donates to "The Moms". Is the donation really from Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry? She says "no". The Post again....

A spokesman for Kerry insists that her donations to Tides were earmarked specifically for environmental charities based in Pennsylvania. But money is fungible - and the Tides Foundation has a lot more than greening the earth on its plate.

Tides is as Left as Left can be. It has given millions to anti-war groups since 9/11 - particularly the extremist MoveOn.org., they of the Hitler is Bush ads and so on. Tides has funded groups like United for a Fair Economy, which has been involved in violent anti-globalization street protests.

One example of Teresa Inc.. funding would be a group called The Ruckus Society. These guys trashed Seattle back in 1999. Teresa etc. also funds the Ruckus training of enviro-terrorists in the practice of "monkey-wrenching" - the willful destruction of construction equipment and so on. Thanks Teresa. Tides also gets money from Soros who has made defeating Bush his Job One.

The only job of The Tides Foundation is to distribute other foundations' money while shielding the identity of the actual donors. A Drug Cartel for Leftist ideology.

I'm tired now and I'm sure you are too but this is just ONE phony group funded by the Left. In this case the MOMS are also directed by a uber Left guy named Fenton who......etc., etc., etc.,

Oh, and for a more detailed view of Mrs. Kerry's daisy chain of connections, go HERE to the Human Events article......

Homework Assignment
1. Do a Google search for Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.
2. Smoke a J and watch the Spice Channel
3. Very late add on April 19: Front Page hits lots of these "charitable fronts" today.

# posted by Howard : 4/17/2004 07:36:37 AM


Anonymous said...

Ann may be a bony harpy, but I'd still hit that.

Anonymous said...

If ever a case was made to eliminate the tax exempt frauds once and for all, this is the poster boy. A flat tax and no exemptions from being a taxpayer and full disclosure of all contributions.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant propagandist? Or raving nutcast?