
The Cruise/Redstone thingy: All the vastly overpaid and undertalented are the ones rallying to the Cruise battle flag, sure in the knowledge that their huge salaries, their deals that are paid millions up front, and their insane participation deals are over if Cruise does not get another cushy guarantee package from some other dim wit. Hollywood is once again ruled by New York (just like in the 30s when bankers controlled studios) and New York will not stand for the fake bookkeeping, "swag deals" that cost millions, and the looting of everything not nailed down after each movie. It's over. Now maybe the money spent on a movie will actually go on the screen and not into the pockets of the connected elites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cruise isn't hurting for money. Perhaps he'll start his own studio? He produced the Mission Impossible movies. I seem to recall he made somewhere around $100 million on the first one.
I'm sure he could get the $cientologists to invest. He could hire all those other overpaid and underskilled hollyweird folks.