
Hitchens is always cool even when he is totally Left. To those of you who have read and liked, or sort of liked, Gunter Grass ("The Tin Drum") Hitch had a piece in Slate a few days ago that lays out a lot of things including the New German urge to declare themselves victims, not of Nazism, but of American and Soviet soldaten.....

More faked fotos
aired by every MSM in the world. Surprisingly, CNN was skeptical....Link to Malkin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kraut Bastards. The only thing they are sorry about is that they lost. Now they are whining because US servicemen forced them to clean up the death camps and see for themselves up close what they were doing the whole time. Fuck them and Gunter Grass especially. You had to volunteer for the SS, they didn't draft. He wanted to go shoot women and children and captured American in the back of the head. Too bad the French Resistance didn't get him the way they did that scumbag
Lt. Peiper who murdered Aemrican during the Battle of the Bulge.