
I posted last week about the MEXICAN city of Maywood, Mexifornia running up the Mexican flag at the post office, today Malkin has pics and video. You can go here for all the parts but to be honest there is not much anywhere other than those assholes ran up the Mexican flag at the post office. A scraggly looking blonde is bitching about being harassed but what the hell do you expect if you stick your nose into these things. My attitude is that if you ain't ready to fight don't show up. Old California refrain:

MEX: Here's to the Mexican eagle
a bird so royal and gay
He eats the fruits of our noble land
And shits on the USA

US: Here's to the American eagle
From a land that's noble and rich.
He needs no turds from your royal bird
You Mexican son of a bitch.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am appalled at the MISUSE of the U.S. flag, and I hope any patriotic veteran would be, too. A bunch of zealots drag their flags out of their attics and haul them off to some U.S. town they've never been to. Then they march around tthat town trying to overthrow the town's democratic government, they insult and threaten the people and their families, they deliberately attempt to bankrupt the town, and then they leave, all the while claiming they're more patriotic than the town's residents. Most U.S. citizens now understand that attempting terrorism, extortion, and overthrowing elected governments under the U.S. flag only diminishes that flag. There's your PR for you.

If any of you think that's what the U.S. flag is for, then I suggest you enlist. The U.S. has a couple of wars of aggression for you--full-blown wars, not just little attack and retreat forays with the police protecting you--and you get to wear the flag on your sleeve.

Mexicans are standing up against vote fraud, against government land grabs, and I don't see Mexico taking over the middle east country by country. U.S. citizens are cowering in their middle class homes with their martinis, taking out their frustrations on their neighbors (like Maywood). If a flag stands for the people (and not the government), then I know which people I admire more.