

Will the sky actually fall? Is economic armegeddon at hand? It may well be if the Fed is really going to focus on something they are calling "the sacrifice ratio ¹". Any time the government says the word "sacrifice" you know it means we sacrifice while they lay around the Ph.D pool smoking cheap Mexican shit instead of the good stuff from Thailand. Their yachts, MCBs, fourth vacation homes, living trusts, and third mistresses all safe from "sacrifice."

Here's what the latest Fed genius, Bernakie, has come up with and it ain't good for us. In plain fucking English, which the Fed never speaks, "The Sacrifice Ratio" actually translates into how much blue collar unemployment has to go up in order to bring inflation down. This is compounded by the always Left CBO insisting that taxes must be raised in order to raise government income, in spite of a ton of data to the contrary.

¹. If inflation is becoming a problem central banks will try and cool economic growth in a bid to reduce inflationary pressures. However this reduction in output costs the economy in the short term and the sacrifice ratio tries to measure that cost.

1 comment:

MaxedOutMama said...

Nailed it.

It's those nasty manufacturing capitalists like Ford, followed by the unions (until they went nuts and self-destructed) who started the good times in this country.

It's the danged elite, allied with the Dems, who seem hellbent on deepsixing those good times forever.