

Can't blame anybody but New Line Cinema and the genius production trio of Craig Berenson, Don Granger, and Gary Levinsohn for making the movie with the greatest teen appealing title in years (Snakes on a Plane), one absolutely guaranteed to pull every teen age boy in the world into the theatres, and then making an obscenity laden "R" movie which bars their main audience from the theatres. Would any overpaid star make that kind of decision????


Anonymous said...

On a picture like this, do theaters *really* pay any (or much) attention to the ratings? Back when I was hanging around the business, it was an open secret that anybody over puberty could get into the "soft R" pictures (Snakes certainly qualifies) without much trouble. (Mangement at one independent chain I knew about basically threw up their hands at trying to enforce it after years of taking mucho static from the parents who wanted to drop their little darlings off at the show while they went elsewhere for a beer or two.)

Howard said...

Things HAVE changed over the past three years. Theater chains violating the ratings by allowing teen agers to "sneak in" are guilty of local ordinance violations and in most places the ordinances are enforced. Even here in LA. At any rate the low grosses are attributed to the "R" rating.

Anonymous said...

Well they probably got their heads all screwed up when they decided to do this. I'll bet that probably half of their targeted audience went up in smoke when the "R" rating when out. Too bad for their snakes, it turned around and bit them instead.

Anonymous said...

What they lose in the theatre they can make up on Bittorrent.