

Why is it that bloggers are the only ones who defend the Administration? An administration that is either clueless or cowardly when it comes to communicating and taking a stand. Nonetheless here is my "defense" of those bozos regarding the release of the NIE.

1. The Democrats were semi-clever to demand the release of the entire document.
2. The White House was (as usual) stupid to agree.

Now, we all know that these secret five inch tomes are filled with sources, sources that would be killed if their names were known. So the Democrats demanded that these sources be revealed (and by inclusion, killed). The Democrats would rather have our spies killed because they want to weaken the War against Terror. And they want to take the heat off the treasonous leaks from the traitors inside CIA.

It's all very depressing. How can this country last as a democracy, especially since our "leaders" on the Left are for censorship at every level, the supression of conservative speech, and control over the courts?

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