

Pardon me, but as an old Hollywood hand I think this "controversy" regarding Sandy Berger wanting to sanitize Path to 9/11 is one of those really good Hollywood Publicity stunts. How come only the hard core Clinton apparatchiks have seen it. How come they all leap to censor it? No, no, no---

Hollywood thy name is synonymous with sleaze. Keep in mind there is bad sleaze, good sleaze, and great sleaze; want to bet that this is great sleaze? BTW two friends of mine saw it in a lab and say it is boring.

1 comment:

Howard said...

One of the guys who saw it and told me he thought it boring has called me. He is an expert on all the 9/11 stuff and a consulting attorney for a politico or three. He told me he only thought it boring because he already knew everything in it. He says he thought it was "quite good."