Our Freedom of Speech is dead, killed by the Democrats while the Republicans stood around and did nothing---in fact they joined the mob. Path to 9/11 has become the Path to Fascism, as government goons threatened ABC/Disney with destruction if they didn't do what they were told. We are there, boys and girls, we have allowed it to happen. From now on, only government approved speech will actually be tolerated. There will be no grand funeral procession like the one for Lincoln (above), everyone will try to pretend that the death of the Bill of Rights didn't happen at all, that the threats against Disney/ABC weren't really threats but just a "correction" of actual facts.
It is the American putsch, the Democratic party has become the instrument of the destruction of our most important Right in the Original Bill of Rights, and like the Senators in Rome who allowed the Republic to be taken over, the Republicans stood by and have allowed it to happen---and actually participated in the censorship. Make no mistake, this is the worst thing our government has done since Roosevelt tried to "pack" the Supreme Court with his party hacks because he didn't like some decisions the court had made, but then his own party rose up and stopped him. This time nobody has risen up. The Republicans just kept riding their decaying raft down the River Styx singing stupid country songs as they blindly drifted to and into the abyss.
So because powerful government figures who are only theoretically out of power did not like the content of a movie, they made it clear that they would put Disney/ABC out of business by canceling their broadcast licenses. And because plenty of Republicans looked bad and the 9/11 commission looked bad our people "in power" castrated the Republic. Never did any of us think we'd see the day this could happen, but the fact is now clear that the minority party is so powerful they can cause license revocation if anyone dares to present something they don't like. Not one time in the history of the Republic have we seen the government take over a media company til now. The Democrats, the minority party, have informed Disney and ABC that they will put them out of business if Paths to 9/11 is shown unless it is sanitized to their satisfaction. The same people who railed at the old Hayes Code, the Legion of Decency, and all attempts to set up a government media company, those wonderful patriots have taken over ALL MEDIA while we slept.
From now on every book publisher is on notice that they can be put out of business by powerful people in government. Everything we see and hear from now on must be approved by the government, or else. And we won't even peep. We are cowed dogs tranquilized by all the comforts (drugs, music, movies, celebrity gossip) of a decaying culture.
Meanwhile back in the culture desert, not so much as a twitch of protest from FOX, CNN, or MSNBC. Fellow travelers, Useful Idiots, Friends of Bill, or just plain fearful money grubbing cowards, choose your term. Whatever, we all know now that they are the ones running the country and they will always act to protect themselves. They will even destroy our Bill of Rights to the standing ovation from the Left.DU and KOS will even send a "designated mourner" to feign grief so maybe the rest of us won't know what they have really wrought. It's OK, we dopes will watch the football games and lay around guzzling beer while we are told that our freedoms are safe.
BTW: I've been saying many times on this site that nothing could cause me to vote Republican in this election cycle. Wrong. This has convinced me that no matter how bad they are they are not as bad as the Democrats. The Democrats are a bigger threat to our democracy than the Terrorists.
You seem to be able to say what ever you like, so who exactly is denying you your freedom of speech?
People like you, my friend are the best friends these Democrats have. "Hey what are you worried about, you can still go to church," would be your reaction when the Jews got hauled off in Germany. Dostoyevsky shouldn't bitch about the Tsars censorship empire because he got to write what he wanted. And there are plenty of Arabic writers who write what they want while people who write what the mullahs dont' like are tortured and killed. The point here is that government is dictating content, if that's the kind of country you want it will be the kind of country we get, if you and your kind ever get elected again.
There used to be a quote from John Donne that "Liberals" of the thirties used all the time to warn of fascism in Europe: "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee...." Clintonistas are ringing that bell.
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