

NOTE: Matt Welch is no longer Matt W., but an LA Times controlled "blog" called Opinion LA. Read for yourself, but they claim to want input and and and..... Bottom line is that this clueless bunch of Lefties are trying to figure out a way to pretend they are actually more conservative without actually "selling out" their Left Wing principals. To make matters even more stupid, opening up a blog to national commentary will not give these morons what they say is needed, which is strictly SoCal input. Give them this: they are trying a new way to deliver their Lefty bullshit dressed up in a "reasonable" dress; sort of a journalistic transvestite. I'd also comment that the current "liberal" tactic of carpet bombing every website with their own commentary dooms this probably well intentioned effort. Kos, Democratic Underground, and the rest of their ilk don't like any opinion other than their own and in Columbia University like attacks will try to shut down real diverse opinion. Interestingly their comments section reveals a remarkable similarity of opinion in that their news articles are actually agit-prop opinions, that the entire place needs at the very least a shake-out, and that the paper is out of touch with large sections of the community. That will make them change.....

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