
War on the Middle Class, by Lou Dobbs, should be a must read for most of us. I have written about the income chasm between labor and business leaders before, most recently HERE with a shorter observation HERE.

The bottom line is that as we descend (rise??) into a society where there are only two significant classes, the rich and the poor (the super rich and the super poor) our democracy will come crashing down. The day is coming closer when a really good demagogue will rally the armed poor and we will have France, or even 1917 Russia. Quoting Fed Chair, Bernake:

Center-left think tanks and opposition politicians are not the only ones expressing concern about trends in income distribution. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke recently told a congressional committee, "We want everybody in this society to participate in the American dream. We want everybody to have a chance to get ahead. And to the extent that incomes and wealth are spreading apart, I think that is not a good trend."
I hope you all pay attention, because it's happening.

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