
Foley the child molester: the Republicans are dead IF Hastert and the rest of the GOP so-called leadership knew anything about this. We can liken this to the Catholic leadership and the pedophile priests; the bishops and the pope circled the wagons preferring to protect their friends over cleaning out the dirt. Right now it looks like Foley's "problem" was an open secret and has been for at least two years. There is no rationalizing this one.


Anonymous said...

Strange how the party of "homos are da bomb" are the ones screaming bloody murder the loudest. Hey, arn't faggots good people in need of protection and what not? Only if they are on the Democrat plantation.

This will all blow over (pun intended) in a week or so. On to better things like raping the peasents (us) blind.

MaxedOutMama said...

So far I haven't seen any indications that they had enough on which to act. It does seem as if political opponents collected this evidence and then sprang it an an opportune time. I can't say I'm sorry about that, because at least Foley is out. But I doubt very much that the Republican leadership had anything remotely like the IM's that ABC News got; self interest alone would have made them act if they did. You can generally count on self-interest when it comes to Congress Critters. Maybe not morality, but definitely self-interest.