
The Los Angeles Times reported that daily circulation fell 8% to 775,766. Sunday dropped 6% to 1,172,005. Before you engage in premature genuflection before your God of self satisfaction and greed, think of what this actually means. First, these losses are spread over all newspapers; the daily Wall Street Journal losses are far less than others, the Journal Weekend Edition losses as large as others; and in a few cases laggard papers took circulation leads, although in many cases only because they lost far fewer readers than the competition, the New York Post circulation gains being the exception. In which demographic do you suppose these losses occur? The blue collar guys who all spend $3 for their Sunday papers? The downtrodden who they claim to feel so badly for? Not to worry, their losses have ocurred among the high end, which is the only readership they have. How do I know? Because for the last decade newspapers have had a strategy that concentrated on attracting only the high end, which has meant that only the advertising aimed at the high end college educated liberals was wanted. And they have been getting exactly what they wanted. Their strategy has worked. They have consciously ignored the elderly, the very young, and most especially the less than affluent, hence their losses are going to spread "mucho paino" among their communist employees. Note that if a "normal" business loses twenty percent of their customers over an eighteen month period serious changes are made in the product so that it has a chance of regaining market, but not when liberal monopolies lose customers. Liberals just keep on keeping on, lost in their class warfare fog until the tits that supply their milk of foreign cars and diamond studded condoms just dry up.

You can bet that none one of these lefty mental masturbators will change anything. They will just die a pretentious death with only their hard core liberal pals attending their funerals. And in a similar vein, did you notice that every liberal agit prop movie failed over the weekend, but do you think the movie moguls will change? Hell no, they are subsidized by trillionaires who don't care about profits either.

BTW, don't think TV sports news is immune. If you watched the Sunday "Sports Reporters" show, you saw a left wing rant from each and every one of them. Their "human interest shows" feature only the agit prop PC side of things. Watch ESPN audiences for everything but the actual games collapse too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude - As much as we would all like it to be true, few have stopped buying these papers because of their positions. Its because you can get most of the papers for free online! Yes, I wish I could cancel my NYT subscription repeatly because they are such traitors, but the main reason their circulation dropped is because you can read almost the whole paper for free online. Also, the NY Post went up because it is a tabloid easier to read on the subway/bus and NYT went national, not because of anything else - anyways - thanks again for being there - Mark