
Michael Yon has a posting that represents four or five interviews he has had with high ranking officers on the ground in Iraq. To a man, they think our policy, planning, execution, and leadership in Iraq suck. A sample:

The problem thus far, as you know, has been lack of serious planning, poor selection of people in charge . . . screwed-up assessments and assumptions, no building of international and regional cooperation, trust in non-credible exiles and too much spin and ad hocery," said retired Marine Gen. Tony Zinni, who formerly headed the U.S. Central Command, with responsibility for 32 nations, including Iraq and Afghanistan.
Zinni has long been a public critic of the war and its planning, but the rest of them (unnamed because they want their careers) make for sobering reading. It looks like our military brass on the ground think we have lost it there and unless we change quick it actually WILL become another Viet Nam. Yon, as you all know, is not some tree hugging seaweed eating left liberal who wants us to fail nor are the military people he quotes, all of which makes the reading a stiff shake to many of us who have been sleep walking. Bush and Cheney come in for major hits too.

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