
Why Katie Couric suks: watched her last night for the first and last time. Her problem? She is boring. Like in totally uninteresting, flat delivery, and to top it off she looks like an older woman trying to look younger, and failing. But mainly she is a walking sleeping pill. I never watch AM TV but there is no way she appeared like this on the Today Show since 1991. I guess nobody could anticipate a professional like her not understanding energy; I mean all you have to do is listen to Rush for twenty minutes. Energy is everything. BTW, Rush would own the network news were he to do it. Dare I suggest E.D. Hill, who got shitcanned by Fox and Friends, she has all it takes if you must hire a woman for any reason other than that she gives impossibly good oral penile massages.

Blogger, the suckiest piece of shit on the planet is down AGAIN. This is the third time in four days.

1 comment:

GalacticallyStupid said...

Nailed it on both counts, Howard. I knew the first night she did it she would fail miserable and haven't watched it again. Rush would crush the competition and Blogger is a pain in the ass.