
Late reflections: Main issue, as I think it should have been, was the rampant corruption within the Republican Party. Those corrupt pieces of crap deserved to lose, but we citizens lost big time....before this election ever took place. Iraq, a major concern, was only the second most serious issue. The major issue in '04 was "values" (morals). The GOP sold us out for money, and that revealed for all to see exactly what their values actually were. While I can't tell you the contempt I have for the entire bunch, Bush's lousy leadership, if that is what we have been getting from this White House, was a major factor as well. The GOP ground game? The ground game told the leadership to "fuck off, we are sick of you." Here in CA we had a lot of issues on the ballot that would have cost money; at least half of them passed which means the money to pay for "bonds" has to come from somewhere but with Democrats in power here, they will convince the voters that big business will be forced to cough it up. The Democratic victory may be brief if they don't listen to voters either. Will they refuse to build the fence, will they attempt to end the tax cuts? I bet they will not because the Republicans still have a lot of power and there are enough "new" Democrats who are very conservative who won on Tuesday. BTW conservative Democrats are good news for Hillary. Bets are off if the Donks try to impeach Bush. Barnes, in Weekly Standard, further tees off on the incompetent GOP and he is correct.

Election: at 4:30
Democrats a lock for the House, only question is by how much. They are this close to taking over the Senate.

at 3:45 FOX says the Democrats are going to win big. Big issue on exit polls is corruption, which means the Pelosi words worked (or that the crooked Republicans committed suicide). "The late break to the GOP is just not true," said Fred Barnes and he is to the right of J.P. Morgan. They say that the Dems will win a minimum of 25 House Seats (as many as 32) and could win six Senate seats. Bill Krystol, another righty, says the Democrats will also win the Senate.

at 3:30 PM PST (6:30 Eastern) FOX is hinting that they have exit polls and that they show trouble for Republicans. All of MSM swore they wouldn't use exit polls but FOX has apparently led with an attempt at a scoop. Until exit polling is illegal it is going to be done. ABC has just released theirs: shows voter dislike for Bush.

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