

Be sure you read this link from Drudge which refers to the "Sensitivity Training" that everyone in the dorms at Arizona State must take. This "sensitivity training" is brain washing whose purpose is to force every student to conform to a politically correct point of view or be expelled from the "group," which means the student body. In other words the student will be flunked out, a threat that is very real as we have seen from actions at Duke. The purpose of “Sensitivity Training” is to turn as many students as possible into unquestioning and docile spokespeople for "the cause."

How is this "brain washing" done? When I was in the service there had been a real problem of our POWs "confessing" to various war crimes after they had been in captivity for several months or so. The term "brainwashing" came from the North Korean success in turning so many of our troops into willing tools of the NK regime. Brain Washing consisted of weeks of “self examination” conducted under duress by his captors. This type of verbal battering works. Especially if the target cannot escape or talk with family members. The type of "brain washing" described in the article about ASU is exactly the same as used by John Howard Lawson and the other Stalinist members of the Hollywood branch of the Writers Guild in the late forties. The most famous of the cases is when they ganged up on one of the Hollywood Ten writers, a guy named Albert Maltz. They set out to "break" Albert Maltz, an extraordinary writer of plays, essays and screenplays who had written an essay titled "What Shall We Ask of Writers?" that stated:

It has been my conclusion for some time that much of the left-wing artistic activity--both creative and critical--has been restricted, narrowed, tuned away from life, sometimes made sterile--because the atmosphere and thinking of the literary left-wing had been based upon a shallow approach. I have come to believe that the accepted understanding of art as a weapon is not a useful guide, but a straitjacket. (emphasis mine)

The Hollywood Communists wouldn't tolerate that essay by one of their own and put poor Maltz "on trial" before other Communist Party members. The “trial” process is actually a ruthless “examination” of the target so that wrong thinking can be exposed to the person under the “examination.” When the Maltz trial was over Maltz completely caved, recanted his essay, and from that day forward was a committed communist to his death, his brain cleansed of all doubts.

This technique was also known as re-education or re-evaluation but is more accurately called an inquisition, one that is conducted before a group of hard core believers. The target is battered into admission of guilt. The threat of being expelled from the group meant being cut off from contact by everyone; all friends in the movie business and all other literary friends. In the cases of very young ASU students a loss of contact with one's friends is scary as hell as is the threat of expulsion.

I hasten to add that some resisted the Hollywood Inquisition by just quitting the party; Robert Rossen refused to submit either intellectually or morally: his outraged response to the interrogation of his art was “Stick the whole Party up your ass!” That is something that neither a POW nor a student at ASU is allowed to do. In the case of a student, as we have seen at Duke where teachers flunked non-conforming students, he will be flunked out of the university.

The despicable ASU technique involves involuntary "role playing" designed to "awaken" a student to ideas he never had and cast a shroud of guilt about the student, a shroud that will paralyze his thought process in the future. And as at Duke, the villians in this piece are the Women's Studies profs as well as Black History profs.

Wake up.

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