

I went through some old posts searching out my Iran A Bomb stuff and ran across my first posting on the Duke "Rape." I had forgotten the organized hysteria launched by the Women's Studies Department and joined by all media, especially The New York Times.

What first got me into looking closely at the case was the below picture of that girl studying the pictures of the Duke lacrosse players so she could remember them for the rest of her life. Here's part of the beginning, in case you forgot.


Believe it or not, as a "feminist" carefully examines the pictures of the LaCrosse team posted for all to memorize (left) the feminazis are having a Sexual Assault Prevention Week so they can whine and accuse in force. As breathlessly revealed in a Durham rag:

Some students wore T-shirts that said, "Men's Lax, Come Clean." A poster said, "The DNA will talk, even if the cowards of men's lacrosse won't. Shame on you all."
As we now know, when the DNA actually spoke it didn't matter to these ugly pigs. The New York Times has apparently hired its own private detectives in an attempt to smear those horrid Duke white boys, because make no mistake, this is a live lynching brought to you by the usual guilt ridden liberals who hate America and themselves. It is rare for a multi-million dollar enterprise like the New York Times to hire private detectives; people who are hired precisely because they don't have to pay attention to the Constitution; people who have no problems wire tapping, bribing, and threatening their way to the truth that their boss wants.

Make no mistake, the NYT is a big part of the mob. Featured article today includes the praying members of the lynch mob, left.

Rush Limbaugh stated yesterday AM (Link is now down)
Immediately, the media went in there and was convinced because of their template that white guys had to be guilty. There could be no question about it. These charges are serious. The nature of the evidence doesn't matter. It's the seriousness of the charge. You had the New York Times, I am told, hiring detectives on its own to look into the 47 members of the Duke lacrosse team to see if they could dig up the truth, because they just knew it had to be true.
There are millions of dollars going into this big time lynching and thankfully the parents of the boys have enough money to hire a few of the top attorneys in the business to defend. This is going to be tough, the usual horde of nasty feminist women are wailing their usual hate filled lungs out, the oh so righteous liberals are writing the usual editorials in all the usual places because at last they get to lynch some white kids; and the TV media? You watch it. You see what the horrible Nancy Grace and Wendy Murphy are doing.

DNA evidence? We don't need no stinking DNA evidence.

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