In what has to be the strangest marketing success ever, the biggest movie opening of the weekend is a movie about the nearly 3,000 year old Battle of Thermopylae, in which the Persians kicked the shit out of the Greeks (Spartans) only after every Spartan soldier was killed in a battle to the death. The delay gave the rest of the Greek cities time to get ready so that when the Persians finally broke through to the Greek plain they got slaughtered. We are largely ignorant of this battle because teaching about it is now banned from almost all schools by the Democrats. That's because learning about such things has been declared "Eurocentric" (white) by our liberal and racist elites. White guys are not allowed to win or be brave at anything. Ever. The break through Marketing of this movie involves showing it in theatres that nobody can know about from any ads. Imax announces that all showings of 300 are sold out, however Imax theater listings locally do not list the movie at all. Either some genius or some raging incompetent figured that not telling anyone where the movie is showing is the way to get the public back into the movies. Who knew?
What you may not know. The Thebian army had as a main component an entirely homosexual division, one called the The Sacred Band of Thebes, a 150 man band of cocksuckers and pederasts who were the toughest soldiers on the field. They were all killed as a unit in some battle or other and their ghosts may or may not have been among the producers of this movie; sort of a Sacred Band of Hollywood, ready to die for the right to sodomize young boys on the set. So maybe a "closet opening" is a part of the whole deal. At any rate, it is the existence of this "Sacred Band of Thebes" that homosexuals use to justify their pederasty today, telling us that this behavior was "normal" as far back as the ancient Greeks.
Well, not really. In one more of the delicious ironies of Greek democracy, the receiver of the penis during homosexual sex was looked upon with universal contempt while the insertarata of said penises were considered quite normal; manly in fact. So it was with the boys that grown men used to collect as "friends;" the entire society pretended that no sex took place, only "guidance, friendship, and education." The Sacred Army of Thebes seems to have been a lone, albeit brave, military force, one that ceased to exist once they lost a single battle. A loss, said by some, that proved one army could not suck another army to death.
At any rate "300" is 50% computerized graphics. It is completely fake and the younger audiences love it. Their positive reaction is apparently because the graphics are similar to those presented in the violent computer games to which they are all addicted. They accept this style much like other audiences accepted cartoon animation from the time of Disney in the early 30s through the Simpsons right now.
Big movie. Now figure which Imax is showing it and let us all know. Meanwhile, this lack of informing the public is just another reason to either short, or not own, Imax stock.
The best thing about this movie is that liberals hate it. They hate it as much as they hate FOXNews Channel. Undersand that it ain't so much that a bunch of cocksuckers may have been a part of the losing side (discrimination), but it's that the good guys are all white. And they just hate anyone who says white guys CAN jump. The bad ink is coming from Left. Meanwhile, because they can't do to theatres what they are doing to FOXNews Channel, the movie is rolling in the money. You absolutely cannot get into my two local theatres. Even the advance ticket sales are sold out. On basketball tournament weekend, which says a bundle. The Finkster (Nikki) is projecting $60 mil opening weekend. That is actually up from her initial projection of $40 mil.
Late add: Libertas reviews it here.
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