That is the worry expressed on several "Milblogging" sites. There is no doubt that some gang members have become members of the military with no goal other than to do their stints and get out and return to the streets with a better skill set than before their service. Think of the carnage that could ensue if IEDs are left almost anywhere on any street, IEDs that can be exploded from half a mile away by use of cell phones. The potential is awful. All the more reason for a balls out search for a means to detect these things, something our researchers are looking for but so far it's zippo.
"search for a means to detect these things"
Sure, that might help, but I find it kind of hard to believe the gangs would be stupid enough to start setting IEDs. They don't want civil war, most of them, they just want money.
If it happened, once the public figured out who the culprits were, the gangs would start becoming extinct. There is a racial element to the problem that we can't overlook, but I am confident, call me optimist/naive if you want, that there are plenty of non-white citizens who would be delighted to drop a dime on their "brothers" if they began setting off bombs indiscriminately. And plenty of white citizens would would do the same if their "brothers" began killing non-whites indiscriminately (pardon the pun).
Yeah, but most of these kiddies fail the physical because of drug use and/or incurable STDs and/or criminal convictions.
And yes, a juvie record counts and IS checked.
I wouldn't worry about it. A couple of 'bangers might get through the various nets, but it's also possible that those guys will also be turned around while they're in the service.
This one of those things which SOUNDS scary, but will turn out to be statistically- and practically insignificant.
Why do you keep harping on the need for a technical solution to IED's?
Their effectiveness in Iraq symptomizes our political problem there, which is that most all of the street A-rabs are too scared or too anti-American to snitch on the IED-setters.
... As far as using cell phones or other radio frequency devices to set off IED's, our people in Iraq routinely jam those. There is a techno fix for radio-controlled detonators. OK, granted, such jamming can't be guaranteed to block 100 per cent of all radio controlled detonators, but that's life.
--David Davenport
Unfortunately, "Anonymous" is both right and wrong in the comment above.
MS-13 and their vicious ilk do not care in the least about civil war, as they are neither intelligent or far-sighted enough to realize that a society in the midst of internecine violence will not give them much chance to spend money.
And there will be money. Both the backers of Aztlan (think Chavez) and our dear friends the Saudis, among others, would be very happy to support a campaign of terror in the US.
And yes, it could well lead to a race-based civil war, as the mass of enraged, armed Americans rise up to kill as many hispanics, and likely muslims, as they can find.
Some may believe that we are a nation without a backbone, but sufficient terrorist violence within the US will not only put steel in our collective spine, but a rage against the perceived enemy into our hearts. It will be an anger that this country has not seen since the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Do you know the phrase "I've seen some good indians, they were dead."?
Think of that, applied to hispanics and muslims, because sufficient provocation will cause it.
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