

Here is just a part of Reagan's 1981 speech to GOPAC in which he laid out what it was that the Republicans, and Conservatives, once stood for. It stands in disgraceful contrast with the lying bunch of hypocrites the House members turned out to be, and just how shallow Bush's commitment to any set of Conservative principles really is:

For whatever history does finally say about our cause, it must say: The conservative movement in 20th century America held fast through hard and difficult years to its vision of the truth. And history must also say that our victory, when it was achieved, was not so much a victory of politics as it was a victory of ideas, not so much a victory for any one man or party as it was a victory for a set of principles—principles that were protected and nourished by a few unselfish Americans through many grim and heartbreaking defeats
Reagan had no idea how heartbreaking the corruption of the Republican Party, its abandonment of principals, and it's outright failure to adhere to any sort of spending restraints were to most of us. But even worse is the fact that the mentors of the "Conservative Revolution" as described by Reagan have been dirtied:
There are so many people and institutions who come to mind for their role in the success we celebrate tonight. Intellectual leaders like Russell Kirk, Friedrich Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Milton Friedman, James Burnham, Ludwig von Mises—they shaped so much of our thoughts.
These guys risked their careers and reputations for a cause, a philosophy of government, one that has been reduced to excremental sewage by people without any philosophy other than to get re-elected by any means available. My contempt for the entire GOP scum has no boundaries.

I don't know that we have any principled people left. Let's hope so. Let us all find some.

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