

Stories about Gore owning a mine and desecrating the land are just bullshit designed to smear him and in turn slime Global Warming, much like lies or stories about Bush's past or his father's past are designed to smear W and destroy the War on Terror effort. I suggest to all of you that Gore's Global Warming campaign be attacked on its merits or lack thereof, and there is plenty of data available to do that. These side attacks are a waste of time and serve only to stiffen the spines of the Global Warming fanatics; it's like bombing the civilian populations in order to win a war that actually result in re-enforcing civilian determination to support their governments and countries, but do almost nothing to actually win a war.

Because I chose to waste my time watching the NCAA tourney I missed any pro Democrat "anti-war" propaganda shown on MSM. According to what is being written (on the web, never in the papers) there were at least as many "Gathering of Eagles" as loony lefties. Malkin has a decent round up, complete with some photos which, as we all know now, can be manipulated to affect our individual POVSs. I always mistrust these close up shots of "thousands" of people when in fact wide angle shots show thirty or forty only, and Malkin seems to feature close ups. The picture on left seems to confirm the stories of lots of people supporting our troops, but these are total agit-prop crap, worthless for those seeking the truth. I'm writing this at three in the AM because I have early action this morning, but mining the web I see no wide angle photographs at all. I think we can assume that lots of people showed up and were spread along the Traitors Parade route.

I am reminded of the near traitor like ravings of the Labor Party in Britain against Churchill during WWII when, as Britain was losing (again) in Africa (battle of Tobruk) to far fewer German troops after surrendering Singapore to a Japanese army on bicycles, a battle in which the Brits out numbered the ill armed and ill equipped Japanese almost three to one; the loss of well equipped France; and the surrender without a fight of almost every country in Europe. With those losses as a backdrop, Labor secretary Bevan slammed Churchill in Parliament for his so-called war plan and his lack of pre-war planning. When the "no-confidence" vote was taken in Parliament, Churchill saved his job by a majority of more than four hundred votes, but only after a very good speech; but speeches don't win wars. It was the disaster taking place in Africa that caused the Allied press to build up Rommel as a genius, a "Desert Fox" in fact, a brilliant near God, in order to mitigate the defeats and explain that the Allies were being whipped by a re-incarnation of Alexander the Great. The actual Rommel was a near jerk who had never commanded anything before Africa, who violated direct orders NOT to advance beyond Tobruk because there was no fuel for his tanks and his force was too small to win a major battle. But "genius" Rommel knew better and chased the Brits across the desert and was blown away at El Alamein because his tanks ran out of gasoline and his strung out soldiers near starving; a battle that turned the war for the Allies forever. There was in this scenario a "surge" of millions more troops and guns from a place called America, a hundred thousand of which had already been landed in North Africa cutting Rommel off at the knees. Had the Brits been left alone in Africa they would have most surely lost and Bevan would probably have taken over the "war effort."

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