
For News, it's CNN once again

Been watching FOX for what seems like five or ten years, but their continuing "show" format, one which features almost no news at all, has driven me back to CNN. Glenn Beck has a decent sort of conservative "show," and several other occasional "show" formats are pretty balanced. CNN did report that three of the arrested Terrorist were illegals, contrary to what FOX claimed. Main Line: CNN actually does news; FOX actually does bullshit. Here in SoCal there is nothing on FOX between 5PM and 11PM but bullshit shows so if you want news CNN is the only game in town. Lou Dobbs? He's on before I get home; he is a nut case BUT correct on illegals. Wolf Blitzer? A total asshole with an agenda and I'd never watch him. Anderson Cooper? Well he hosts game shows and reality shows so I cannot take him seriously; I don't watch him.

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