

Twelve million squatters (and that is what they are) now occupy our country and refuse to leave. Our hypocritical president and political class simply stand aside and allow it to happen. I choose to call them "castratti."

The Castratti: males who have been castrated before reaching puberty so their resulting high voices enable them to sing soprano parts in operas. Further described: The Castratti are those who walk among us acting as if all things male are inherently wrong, and we must all attempt to make ourselves as much like women as possible. Hence the name..."castratti".

If "castratti" isn’t the perfect description of the current Republican “leadership” in the Congress, then perhaps the word “traitor” fits. Because first they abandoned conservatism, and then “sold” their votes for money to American multi national Corporations who only seek the cheapest possible labor for their enterprises. They are co-sponsors of the destruction of our middle class. When I use the word “sold” I mean exactly that. The fat cat low wage Republican corporate sponsors simply send in the millions that allow the Castratti to run disguised as Conservatives on the condition they support amnesty and open borders. There is no way to explain their endorsement of the disgusting Immigration Reform legislation, which is a thousand pages long and has been cleverly manipulated by it’s legislative-executive branch authors so as to hit the Senate floor without anyone having the time to read it.

But, surprise surprise, somebody is leaking it as we masturbate.

I fall on the side of the citizens who view Mexican Illegals as the final nail in the coffin of the Republic. They hate us (start your reading here should you doubt it). They seek the repudiation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, (for Mexican Squatter hate site go to MEChA) which ended the Mexican American War, and instead favor “reconquista,” the re-conquering of America by Mexico. This group has already canceled out the treaty, both in their minds and by their declaration, so that their "re-conquest" can be justified. Never has any immigrant group hated the country to which they emigrated*; never has any group actively refused to learn the language of this country and seek instead to force us into a multi-lingual society in which Mexican-Spanish is the actual language spoken; never has an immigrant group “squatted” in this country and defied us to throw them out. Because, just as the leftist squatters have seized private farmland in Venezuela, Cuba, and countless other countries, they have now squatted here---in full partnership with our political castratti on the Right and traitors on the Left.

And the "loyal" Democrats? The Republicans have sold themselves to the multi-National corporate pigs while the Democrats have sold themselves to the twelve million squatters in order to gain votes; and who knows how many South American dictators (and "democracies") have sent them money in exchange for their support of the "open borders," a process that moves their own unskilled and uneducated potential revolutionaries to the good ol' USA. The Democrats are also supported by international big money interests masquerading as "do gooders." Include is the rapist of currencies of entire countries, one billionaire George Soros, who supports Democrat open border traitors through his "Open Society Foundation." And if you don't think billionaire looters don't favor a world free of borders so they can roam unopposed pillaging without being arrested, then you must be a liberal.

The consequences of allowing twelve million unskilled workers to enter our work force is to exterminate the middle class AND to insert a horde of low wage Democrat voters into the electorate, a consequence that can only mean that they will squeeze out the current unskilled and semi-skilled Mexican AMERICAN workers. The open borders will welcome even more "squatters" who will then work cheaper than the current horde. And guess where the current horde will go: they will go on the public dole because they lack the skills, educations, or discipline to get better jobs. Car Wash guys, maids, and nannies do not graduate to higher paying skill jobs, except on rare occasions. As Mex Angeles readies itself for the superior culture of cock fights, bull fights, and dog fights, the squatters march and wave flags so their "sponsors" can seem clean.

Get ready for the two dollar car wash, the hundred dollar a month maid and nanny, and to be told how we "benefit" from squatters. Nobody will explain the angry millions ready to shoot.

*Emigrated is also defined as migrate. This is the term now used by most Mexicans seeking to sack this country. We are to view them exactly like migrating birds, creatures that have the right to settle anywhere they choose.

Ace has some good commentary from everyone


Anonymous said...

"the angry millions ready to shoot."

Meaning people like me.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with the above, rifle ammo in good supply, pistol ammo being re-upped. Target rich environment.