
Weekend Nothing:
NBA finals: yawn, San Antonio is like the Bears back in the day who played defense. Sorry, but booorrrrrrrring.

Paris Hilton: this stink is over what would be a maximum $500 fine for anyone else. This is a disgusting media pile on. If anyone would bother checking the records, and believe it or not Geraldo has, you'd discover that she is being rousted. It's bullshit. I didn't watch all of Geraldo (who does?) but he nailed it. BTW, there are something like 100,000 illegal alien felons running around loose, but these media assholes focus on Hilton.

Red Sox: never ever underestimate their ability to lose, no matter the circumstances.

Libby pardon: with the gutless piece of shit in the White House, the prick who won't pardon those two Border Patrol guys, nobody knows. Perhaps a pardon is in the works if the Congress passes the illegal Alien Empowerment Act.

Illegal Alien Empowerment Bill, failed because the border line Liberal/Conservative districts were lined up almost solidly in opposition. Big reason for failure: distrust of Bush promise on border security. Bush lied and the bill died, about covers it.

Poll Fans: along with all the other agenda journalism (indoctrination is more like it) we have the massaging of the actual poll data and the arbitrary assignment of "uncertain" people to one side of the "question." Kaus lays into it all pretty good.......

Race Pimp, Geraldo's disgusting attack
on Malkin reminds us why he cannot get a job anywhere but FOX. Malkin defended herself very well but that racist belongs with Al Sharpton and the rest of the Race Pimps.

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