
Attacks on Fred Thompson are so off base, so wrong, and so just plain fucking dirty that some of his real problems will be ignored. The New York Times, sinking ever lower into their rancid pit of deceitfulness and sham, trashes Thompson for having a really good looking woman for a wife. Liberals now trash men for marrying babes. But in keeping with the values of the Left, the current assault is actually a step up from how another of their supplicant press orgs attacked another Republican they hated: Katherine Harris (R FL).

The oh so liberal and politically correct Washington Post spat their raw sewage on Harris by attacking her on her looks, makeup, and clothing.

Harris' lipstick was of "the creamy sort that smears all over a coffee cup and leaves smudges on shirt collars," that she "applied her makeup with a trowel" and compared the texture of her skin to that of a plastered wall.
Take that, Fred. Andrew Sullivan is well known as a hate filled rectile dysfunctional homosexual who seeks to pull everyone down into his anally centered pit of fecal decay, so he attacks Thompson too. He is accusing Thompson of being gay. Ace has blasted the disgusting attacks from both Anal Sullivan and Orally retentive Wonkette (she actually spits acquired semen into a dirty Kleenex and returns it to her purse so she can sniff it for a few days) in case you don't already know all this shit.

Thompson has real problems with his advocacy past as a lobbyist for Big Tobacco and other groups seeking government favors so these stupid attacks act as inoculation against smear merchants who might actually have some facts.

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