

I predicted when the Vick doggie story broke, that this would become a race case by Monday. Well it's a race case with Blacks suddenly caring about "due process," rush to judgment, and "rights." I can only speak for my well integrated work place where every Black is on Vick's side, all think whitey is out to get him because he's black, and most everyone wants him to play no matter the crime. Yesterday I talked with the three Black women working in the executive branch and they all said that no white person wants any Black Man to earn a million dollars per year and will lynch anyone who does. Tiger Woods is regarded as white, a sell out, and just hanging with the elite, an elite most of them hate.

Race is hard to ignore when you look at the "animal rights" assholes, all of whom are white ugly screeching women. I'd bet that not so much as one percent of the sign waving women (remember Duke?) has ever seen an NFL game. So, because of the racial makeup of the hysterical white female mob, all of whom love dogs more than people, Vick's Black support will only increase. Vick will play til convicted unless he takes himself out of the equation by voluntarily sitting out the season.

This is now a race vs shit dogs thing.

And never forget: ESPN is in bed with every college and professional sport because they don't want to lose the TV Rights. It is a Big Media whorehouse that will "report" the Vick case only after they are sure the NFL won't get mad at them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My take on this is that if Vic were white he'd already be in the slam and that the black folk you work with are racists fuckwits and losers.