
Iraq the Model has been from its inception one of the very few Iraqi blogs to accurate almost all the time. He tells you when his writing is deductive or simply inferences, so when he says, "this is what is happening," we better believe him.

The link above will refer you to his latest posting in which he states categorically that Libya has basically invaded Iraq with terror brigades. They are the ones causing the destruction in Mosul right now. Their leader? It's the son of our pal Momar Gaddafi, the guy who shot down that airliner lo these many eons ago. It's not all that secret, the Washington Post reported that 20% of the foreign fighters entering Iraq since 2007 were Libyan. Don't forget that until?????Libya was a part of terrorism and more than just friendly with AlQaeda. Take a look HOWEVER, BUT, ETC. Take a look at Ace who has posted something to the effect that AlQaeda leaders are fleeing the country with cash, the cash that was supposed to pay their troops. And Bill Roggio has even more data. Maybe everything is true. And then......

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