Too Many Blogs to count and almost all of them lousy (you may say to yourself, "Especially this one"). Typical of the overwritten cluttered messes that are proliferating about the web is The Cagle Post, which features a ton of colorful political cartoons as well as some columns by the usual suspects, and isn't worth the eye strain to sift through the hundreds of different subjects covered. Pajamas Media would be typical of the strictly print blogs, which makes us all understand why we stopped reading newspapers as they slam us all with what seems to be a hundred different pieces per day by the same tired people. The blogs that focus expertly on a single subject are still the best, and if you ain't hitting Real Clear Politics once a week you are out of it. Yet even this very interesting blog attempts to bury us under political minutiae by the usual suspects so as to blunt their focus and give us too much information. I don't haul out Britannica to find out who was president in 1863 or read Sports Illustrated to find out who is pitching for the Yankees tomorrow because there is too much information in those kinds of pubs. Anyway, I guess I'm doing something right because my traffic, after a few declining months, is back to what it was four months ago and I don't kiss ass with other bloggers in order to get links.
Do you think Pajamas Media is making any significant money? I don't. Not even Instapundit, with his big viewer numbers.
Not that I care for PJM's Neocon slant.
It just seems that blogs are mostly doomed to be popular but low profit. Can you think of any way to change that?
Found your blog about a month ago while looking for different views of the writers' strike. You are blunt, honest, and very funny. Thanks for leading me to Libertas.
Since you like PJ O'Rourke, may I recommend "Parliament of Whores," his best book, I think--a really FUNNY(!) look at Congress/ lawmaking. Also I highly recommend R. Emmett Tyrell of American Spectator, a brilliant political humorist who wrote "The Liberal Crack-up" about the Jimmah Carter years, and "Boy Clinton." He knows and skewers the Clintons--and was downright prescient. Both authors are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.
-Conan Lenoman
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