
When Gossip is Good

When there is nothing but bad news I drift off into meaninglessville and read about the least valuable people on earth. But most gossip sites are shit. Some are just assaults on whatever celeb is current. Sometimes the writing on these sites is delicious. Try these descriptions of Awards attendees:

She smokes American Spirit, the only 100% organic tobacco cigarette, because I guess she thinks that inhaling natural smoke is better than other smoke.

....hours away from winning the award for "Best Achievement in Pretentious Crap", but it looks like she had the foresight to dress the part. My neighborhood could be under nuclear attack and I could still manage to pick out an outfit better than this.

Perhaps the greatest mystery of the night was why Jessica Alba was invited to the Oscars. That's like inviting a turtle to a dog show.

.....is cute and likes to get naked on camera, so that automatically qualifies her for any acting award. This a little known fact about acting, but perky boobs can really bring out the emotional depth of a female character.

Now the below babes would draw nothing but raves, but they weren't there.

The quotes above are from here. A very funny Gossip place

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