
Normally I don't concern myself with legal bullshit because I can't stand the ethics of too many lawyers, BUT there is an interesting case being discussed on the web concerning the anonymous posting regarding a couple of women (Jill and Heidi), two girls the person posting said deserved to be raped. The "victims" are suing demanding that the poster be named and identified, the purpose apparently being to destroy the guy through public exposure of his "deserve to be raped" comment.

The poster is defending himself through free speech and the "right" to remain anonymous. This "right" to anonymity is being attacked by the women.

Now consider: some of the awful rantings on Daily Kos, Democratic Underground and various virulent hard Left sites would surely be shut down by a ruling in favor of the women here. But so would some really bad stuff being thrown out there by so-called Right Wing blogs. Joe Klein said on a Hannity show that Bill raped Hillary and that is how Chelsea was conceived. Why not hang him for saying that without proof? Many blogs accuse McCain or refer to his "straight cock express," he's accused of sucking cock, Democratic Underground asks, "why DOES Cindy McCain stick her FINGER in John's ASS during his SPEECHES? There are tons of awful things all over the web, many unsigned or posted with phony names. Are we to kill all of these too?

Dangerous suit here. Pay attention. Lawyer Althouse is posting on this too.

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