
The Winner and New Heavyweight Champ

Face it, Obama both writes and speaks better than any candidate for any office I've ever heard. He certainly moved and convinced me of his sincerity and his vision. In short, it is the best speech delivered in my lifetime, and more importantly the most effective. I accept that he didn't know what Wright was saying, or more precisely refused to hear or did not hear Wright's outrageous statements. A great speech, one that will certainly go down in history with what Lincoln, FDR, and Reagan ever said. And in his case, he like Lincoln, wrote his own speech. I say he won the election this morning.

Of course he didn't mention the intransigence of the teachers unions which do more to prevent education than any segment of our society. But he couldn't, because that message would be divisive. He, just like the Founding Fathers, swept lots of stuff to the side for future generations, assuming there will be any.

He's better than McCain by a long shot.

Add at 9:15AM PDT The columnists on the Right are dismissing this speech on its content. They (deliberately) miss the entire point and purpose of the speech. It was effective. It was not intended to set forth any solutions to health care, the economy, education or anything else. It was intended to separate Obama from insane comments by Reverend Wright and I think the broad electorate will say that he did. The people on the Right, like the people on the Left, don't want to hear anything other than what they want to hear. Both are unplugged from society and ordinary people. It was a great speech brilliantly delivered and it worked.


Anonymous said...

No, you've missed this one, Howard. Read it again and see what you think; I suspect it's going to be used to convince a lot of people that what they suspected about Obama--that he's a race-pandering Chicago pol--is actually true.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe that that you missed the point of his speech- which was that all of America is racist and thus his minister is no different. Furthermore, he went back on his previous claim to never having heard Wright make such statements. lastly, the Obamessiah threw his dead Granny under the bus. He is a POS.

I'm shocked at your judgment.

Xiaoding said...

It won't work for fence sitters, it won't work for independents. They really don't care about what he says, just the fact he associates with someone like that is enough to turn them off. Obama is toast in the general election.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I heard Obama say:

"blah blah blah more government spending blah blah blah sock it to the rich blah blah blah be nice ti illegal aliens blah blah blah..."

Anonymous said...

Holy cow. If you had any blogger friends on the right you just lost them.

As Richard Prior used to say, "Nigger done fucked up".

Anonymous said...

Andrew Sullivan agrees with you. Just thought you'd like to know.

"Alas, I cannot give a more considered response right now as I have to get on the road. But I do want to say that this searing, nuanced, gut-wrenching, loyal, and deeply, deeply Christian speech is the most honest speech on race in America in my adult lifetime. It is a speech we have all been waiting for for a generation. Its ability to embrace both the legitimate fears and resentments of whites and the understandable anger and dashed hopes of many blacks was, in my view, unique in recent American history. And it was a reflection of faith - deep, hopeful, transcending faith in the promises of the Gospels."

Howard said...

If Sullivan agrees with me I've got to be wrong. I stopped reading him several years ago because all his opinions are couched in Gay Marriage, Gay this and Gay that while telling everyone that being gay is normal etc. I just think he is another Oxford fruit.

Anonymous said...

I read the speech twice and felt very dissatisfied--sometimes in this life we all have to choose a side and he chose none. Not good enough for a president.

Race, race, race. The dems boil everything down to race and class envy. Liberation theology is Marxist to the core. They believe that Jesus was a Marxist. Heresy. It has infected most Christian churches worldwide. The gift that keeps on giving.

Howard said...

The part of the electorate that demands specificity rightly found the speech pretty empty, or downright dangerous. All the criticism, or most of it anyway, seems valid. However a lot of the criticism ain't criticism but outright racism. Now tapes of every racist Black preacher are all over YouTube and assholes like Hanity play them forever. The problem with almost all Black churches is not the racist "hate America" ranting but the "God will Provide" bullshit which is nothing more than Government will take care of you, you can't possibly do anything yourself, and all problems are "God's Will," which translated means just give up.

The holes in the speech which have to do with his failure to adequately address his association with Wright and other "preachers" of hate are there. He will have to do deeds to turn it around now.

I still say it was a great speech, just not the great speech he needed to give in this situation.