
It's About Race, Stupid

Let’s stop kidding around. To a great many of us, Black means violence. We fear that Wright/Obama and all things surrounding them have become race, and only race. Most of us listening to the Black Men of the Cloth calling the Reverend Wright one of the most well regarded clergymen in the U.S. know that his talk reflects their own racist leanings as well as Wright's. We know they bear a detestation of almost all things white, Jewish, Asian, or Mexican. The current drive toward beatification of this mediocrity who crawls from the ooze of bigotry, ignorance, and stupidity is no surprise. Nor am I surprised how admired Wright is within both church and a large part of the Black community

Even more disconcerting is the level of the "Joe Lunchbucket" Black Citizen support for this guy that proves what we already know; the Black “community” provides an environment where unapologetic racism from the resident Blacks is the floor. Until the antisemitism, the hate toward Asians, Mexicans, and whites is brought out into the open, our country is in big trouble. The level of paranoia that is pervasive among this quasi literate group is all inclusive, with new and convenient conspiracy theories coming to light every day. It's obvious that this paranoia is simply rationalization for their failures on every level of life. Those of us who were unlucky enough to have heard the KKK in the old days recognize the need for conspiracies in order to justify actions, contemplated or taken.

By pretending that "they're just like us" we simply enable this racial group to hide their true agenda. It's obvious from their expressed hatred toward corporations that have money and who won’t sell their wares at cost to Blacks so they could further enjoy handouts from private enterprise in general, and government in particular, that they want Marxism. So because private enterprise won't pay every bum $100,000 per year these bums feel business must be forced to pay for their lack of success. Blacks think they should be rewarded for destroying the school systems so that their Hip Hop brats are placed into dysfunctional schools. They become a deliberately uneducated political power group that demands “their share” while contributing nothing. Their loathing of white dominated "this and that" can only be placated by national socialism, the only political vehicle guaranteed to destroy all vestiges of the hated capitalism. Anyone who has been around any of the “disadvantaged” knows that making choices of any kind involve too much work, that the mental strain of choosing actually confuses them, and that when making bad choices it is the fault of “whitey.”

The upcoming joyful day of Socialism means that for Blacks “happy days are here at last.” Socialism will usher in government handouts of paychecks for "poor" people each week, money that rewards non-work and will make being an uneducated worthless bum desirable. People like Wright simply prey on the illicit desires of envious and ill prepared groups in order to gain power by promising them what passes for riches without working.

And there's good money in it for Wright. He lives in a white neighborhood and is building a ten thousand square foot house, the perfect size for he and his ego.

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