
Lies and Stock Markets: We've all heard and believed for years the shit uttered by every talking head and writing mind the biblical utterance that the stock market is a leading indicator; the truism continues that when the market goes up a recession will end in six months and when it goes down the reverse is true. Never "often" goes up or down or even "sometimes" goes up or down, but always. And since almost none of us lower class proles have the tools to look up the actual data about these things we just accept statements as fact because "you know who" just said so on (KNBC, FOX, New York Times, and so on and so forth).

Well today facts emerge---I hate fucking facts---that the stock market, when taken as a stand alone indicator, ain't that much of an indicator for anything. The much touted Chinese stock market is down a whopping 50% over the last SIX MONTHS, and you have been told to death to throw your money over there for at least a year. Go here for the straight talk local..... I think the bottom line is never ever pay attention to total frauds like Maria Bartaromo or Erin Burnett who know nothing. Cramer? He's just an example that even somebody who actually knows a lot can be totally wrong. Below is a chart of fact. You can see we are spending all our money on gasoline, food, and hard drugs, but zero on everything else, a great indicator if you ask me AND proof that if we all stay stoned enough we won't feel the Great Depression.

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