
Tits Ass and Screwing

A deliberately misleading title to get you to link HERE to a Slate piece by Christopher Hitchens that eviscerates, disembowels, and scatters the body parts of one Hillary Clinton (at left negotiating with a Senator about Health Care) all over the page. A piece that will convince anyone who is actually open to the truth to finally see that both she and her scum husband are deliberate liars. William Safire of the almost never reliable NYT once referred to her as a congenital liar, meaning that lying has been in her genetic makeup since she leaked from the womb; she can't help but lie; she is just a born liar. It's just interesting to note that her lies about Bosnia seem to have penetrated a public that long ago willingly inoculated themselves from any truth about the Clintons that was inconvenient. Her poll numbers are dropping. We may finally be rid of what is perhaps the most corrupt family that has ever fastened itself onto the American political system.

But perhaps the Democrat Party is a congenitally fact challenged party as this post will attest..... His Holiness is pretty bad......

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