
Working today. Blogging lite

1. Banking/credit woes getting worse but now it's being covered up with new and APPROVED accounting scheme...
2. NYT has a disturbing piece revolving the control of Iraq War information by the hundreds of defense financial interests. HERE. Brief but tantalizing Overview HERE.
But before getting totally totally total on this, Ace has picked it apart and found (shock awe) it to be more of withheld information by the Times than detailed factual reporting.
3. The landmark political fact of our time is the replacement of our middle-class republic by a plutocracy. If some candidate has a scheme to reverse this trend, they've got my vote, whether they prefer Courvoisier or beer bongs spiked with cough syrup. I don't care whether they enjoy my books, or would rather have every scrap of paper bearing my writing loaded into a C-47 and dumped into Lake Michigan. If it will help restore the land of relative equality I was born in, I'll fly the plane myself. Another way of observing the abyss between ordinary people and the pretty Goddam rich. A way of looking at things like private boxes at stadiums where the elites can gather knowing they are safe from the uppity class in the field boxes. And bleachers. And sports bars, and lines to get into movies, and and and....
4. In case you missed this one: an eight year old kid threatening to murder Bush. The kid ain't kidding. It's scary, but you know he didn't come up with this, his parents did. Scary

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