
How Many States will Obama Carry if a Pissed Off Hillary is in His Life?

Two quick observations before posting something longer:
NBA Playoffs: the consistently low ratings for the finals has to do with games that feature the totally boring Detroit Pistons who foul on every layup. Boooooorring. We can only hope that Boston kills them, which looks more and more improbable. A San Antonio-Detroit final is a nightmare TV show waiting to happen.

Fox and election night: the disgusting pandering to political correctness demanded by host Brit Hume was disgusting. He continually interrupted the analysts who all dared to say that sexism and Black race bias existed. He actually cut off Bill Krystol three times in succession. Meaning we learned nothing.

Hillary's run: just like it used to be. The Democrats did this to themselves when they demanded that independent local Dems comply with the orders from the DNC. The way these things used to play out, back in the iron age when we had real nominating conventions, was that deals had to be made with other power groups in order to placate opposition delegates. She is forcing Obama's hand exactly like democracy is supposed to work, Democracy: something party leaderships of both parties hate because the "leaderships" want the power to select candidates. I don't think I'd vote for Hillary on a bet but fair is fair and the media is screwing her (like they do Republicans) big time. But those horrible fucking people, meaning you and me, keep giving her their votes.

Like it or not Obama cannot afford a pissed off Hillary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, actually I might vote for Hillary if somehow she gets the nod, and I'm a 30 year + Republican fer crissakes.

Why would I do that? Here's why: she's absolutely predictable to the point of being anal, and therefore the least dangerous of the 3. Obama? He's an empty suit who will be influenced by whoever he talked to last, which in most cases will probably be that angry, militant woman he's married to. McCain is certifiably nuts, and will probably have us in 2 or 3 wars before the inaugural balls are over with in the wee hours of Jan. 21, 2009. Is Hillary a socialist? Yeah, of course, but at least there's a chance she'd listen to reason, which with McCain (like Bush) I have my doubts about.