
Lying Cunt Newsflash: Clinton not only survived really tough questions from O'Reilly on FOX the past two days, she looked very good, very focused, and not fuzzy at all. Nor did she dodge questions. I don't say I like her policies, but had she presented herself to hostile questioning back in August or September Obama would still be a third rate senator from Illinois looking for an issue. Were I running her campaign I'd put snippets of her responses and the O'Reilly questions into an ad campaign. If she wins Indiana she will have O'Reilly to thank. She proved that she ain't no third rate politician. The O'reilly thing also puts Russert and the rest of the MSM assholes to real shame.

Late Add: I caught bits of Obama on the tube this evening. He played and looked the buffoon, a Black third rate comic. He did the wrong material at the wrong time. He looks like a featherweight with nothing going for him but Black. Hillary gets a huge boost in the polls, whether that translates into votes is another question.

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