
Ford Stock Cheaper than a Gallon of Gas

How Bad? The bluest of the blue chip stocks used to be GM. Now there are a ton of bets out there that this stock will be removed from the DOW Industrial Average. This former juggernaut was $55 back in '04. it is now at $12.50, a fifty three year low and still sinking. Ford is at $5 (cheaper than a gallon of gas), an insane low.

Where will this all end? With the Democrats solidly against any energy exploration of any kind anywhere and the voters determined to reelect them this could be the depression of all time. Housing: the notoriously Pollyanna NAR (Nat'l Assoc. of Realtors) index is down another 15% and the site is blank. That's it, no news, no anything. It's a blank page. There is the usual bullshit press release HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


*shrug* voters get the government they deserve.

It's a tough thing to say, but it's true. And if the voters want liberal Democrats in office then they're going to get everything else that goes along with it.