
The Real Problem---It's You

There is much sweating of palms right now over the threat of wage inflation; meaning Washington is afraid that window washers, cab drivers, and construction workers will destroy our economy by getting pay raises.

But then......there is a huge bond insurance company---MBIA---that wrote policies for $237 BILLION when they could only cover a billion or so in losses. Now they can't pay. They can't even come up with $900 million in order to put a small part of their house in order. The government is moving heaven and earth to bail them out, I mean they aren't a bunch of freeloaders like window washers and shit who pay their bills on time and support families, so they have to be helped. Now these cocksuckers (actually that term is an insult to some great cocksuckers I know who aren't about to wreck the economy) anyway, these crooks are actually threatening state and Federal governments over payment telling said government entities

"fuck you. If you don't know that when you owe me a hundred dollars you have a problem but if I owe you $137billion you have an even bigger problem, then you shouldn't have done business with me in the first place."
Keep in mind that the officers in charge of these business failures will all collect their multi-million dollar compensation packages while their company goes bust. Those of you who actually believe that business is more honest than government have a lot of explaining to do. Do any of you really believe that a few regulations wouldn't have helped? Trust me, no matter how this turns out WE will foot the bill.

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