
The "Debate" at Saddleback...
It seems that abortion and when life begins was a telling issue there. This is a tough question to those of us who have never bothered to think about it but an easy one for those of us who have. My take comes from my yoot when I was being taught Catechism (Catholic doctrine and stuff), a subject that I actually hated. Catholics used to "fast" on Fridays, meaning that it was a sin to eat meat....BUT it was OK to eat eggs. I kept wondering (and asking) why eating an egg was OK; after all an egg was just an early chicken. Priest and nun agreed that the situation was too complicated for me at my age and to hold that question til high school. My Catholic mother just told me that an egg wasn't a chicken and it wasn't a chicken til it had feathers or something like that. My next question regarding when life starts happened just after reaching puberty. I asked the if jacking off wasn't killing a baby; if a "wet dream" wasn't some sort of murder. I was forcefully told that a baby can't happen until the sperm (them squiggly things inside of ejaculatory white stuff) meets the egg inside a girl's womb. Until that happens neither man or woman is killing anything by disposing of eggs or semen.

It became obvious to me that life begins when egg joins with semen. Abortion is taking life: murder. Neither candidate took a position that makes real sense to me.

Obama vs Thomas: I'd like to see a debate on that. Talk about demagoguery, it's Obama's middle name.....

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