
Obama Lawyers Move In, Dictatorship Will Follow

The Obama campaign is ready to launch their seek and destroy methods in a total way. Now that they have successfully poisoned the system with fake registrations in the millions they have hired the largest law firm in the country so they can sue to win the election, satisfied that they control the courts, the media, and all the process.

In Florida, Democratic lawyer Charles H. Lichtman has assembled almost 5,000 lawyers to monitor precincts, assist voters turned away at the polls and litigate any disputes that can't be resolved out of court.``On Election Day, I will be managing the largest law firm in the country, albeit for one day,'' said Lichtman, 53, a Fort Lauderdale corporate lawyer and veteran of the five-week recount after the 2000 election when Florida eventually delivered the presidency to George W. Bush.
We are about to seat our first dictatorship and it all happened while we sat around and watched while the media cheered the process on.

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