
Fucking Football: most of the so-called "big games" on Saturday sucked except for the Alabama-Florida game, which was terrific. Those of you on the west coast who were duped into watching the unwatchable USC bore machine sleepwalk over a no talent UCLA team now know that USC doesn't belong in the same states as Florida, Oklahoma, or Texas. In short, an erratic quarterback, no real running back in their cast of thousands and a stifling defense guaranteed to make most games boring are to be ours on New Years Day from the Rose Bowl. SC wanders out of their huddles as if they could give a shit, they have no sense of urgency, and a ten yard gain is something to go crazy about. Penn State might clean their clock. Won't some PAC 10 team get good enough to slaughter this paper juggernaut? Please! Now the NFL. The game has degenerated into "managing" the offense game. Translated, this means control the ball with thrilling three and four yard gains and use up seven minutes. And to make the game even more thrilling, they use up 44 seconds of the 45 second game clock before initiating their plays which cuts down on things like surprises (remember those? College football has plenty of them.) Booooorrrrring, and if this continues watch ratings drop. I turned off the "great" Dallas vs Pittsburg game yesterday in the second quarter only to return half way through the fourth and caught the "thrills." Managing the game is a formula for boredom, conservative coaches using tactics designed solely toward protecting their jobs, and 400 pound fat slobs taking up space in the defensive lines. The quick quick quick Alabama, Florida, Texas Tech type of game is very entertaining, and far more exciting than the NFL.


Anonymous said...


Florida didn't play Okiehoma last Sat. You got all confused by switching back and forth between two different f-ball games.

Senility creeps up a on person.

Howard said...

Whoopsie, all I can say is that I watched too much football and smoked too much weed...I stand corrected: Florida beat Texas.....