
UAW Bailout Exposed for What it Is

And that's exactly what this "auto bailout" really is. The Democrats will destroy the country in order to placate their major union voting block. To those of us who have enjoyed our ill spent youths playing with the kids of auto workers and knowing their parents, their refusal to give up anything is no surprise. They hate GM and Ford, have always wanted to destroy them, and they actually don't give a fuck if both companies collapse. Union sabotage at GM factories was an almost daily thing in the old daze and, while I have to sympathize with the mostly not too smart workers, 'Ye reap what you sow"---"What goes around comes around"---"God will fuck you, eventually," is apparent here. The new Congress will be exposed very fast as simply a tool of both big labor and the trial lawyers. "Lending" money to companies that cannot possibly pay it back is just more of the same. We are finding very fast that the Democrats are just as dishonest as the Republcans. Our real problem is the corruption that seems to be frozen in place in our businesses, political institutions, and labor unions is about to destroy us.

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