
Media Ready to Back a War

While our stinking media concentrates on idol worship of their anointed leader, they seem not to notice The One's drift to an Afghanistan commitment. The reality there is starkly different than that in Iraq. Al Qaeda is, for all intents and purposes, defeated. There may be a few guys at CCNY and one or two at Harvard who are hard core but we beat their asses in Iraq and they ain't coming back any time soon. No so Afghanistan in which something called the Taliban rules the countryside. The surge worked in Iraq because (1) Al Qaeda had terrorized the native population, thus the very people an insurgency needs in order to triumph, turned against them; also remember that Al Qaeda was mostly foreigners and the Iraquis have a history of hating the Arabs. Secondly, Al Qaeda was forced or tricked into carrying the fight to the cities where they were sitting ducks for our technology and army. So.....look at a map of Afghanistan, do you see any cities? Do you see many towns? Afghanistan is mountains and deserts, period. The insurgents there, the Taliban, have been around for hundreds of years. They are the native population. It was the Taliban that beat the Brits when they were at the height of their power, and it was the Taliban (using our Stinger missiles) that beat the Russians at the height of their power. They beat both countries by controlling the mountains and leaving the cities to the foreign dogs. Obama is sending in 30,000 more troops to augment the 30,000 already there. 200,000 troops can't control the mountains. We are facing an almost certain Dien Pien Pu when we are finally pinned into a city and get nailed. We don't need to win jack shit in Afghanistan. The Taliban has been around for hundreds of years, they are not capable of any technology that might threaten us, and you can bet that the Russians are just champing at the bit to take us on in their back yard. Wake up everybody. We don't want to go to war in Afghanistan. We need intel to tell us if Al Qaeda is reforming there, in which case we can bomb the fuckers. There is a service called Stratfor, which is a private intelligence service that a few on the web have tapped into. Go HERE, to Fabius Maximus, and really learn what we may be drifting into.

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