
EEEK, an Ayn Rand Sighting

Sales pitch of the Day

This direct from the Ayn Rand Center....

Sales of “Atlas Shrugged” Soar in the Face of Economic Crisis

Washington, D.C., February 23, 2009--Sales of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” have almost tripled over the first seven weeks of this year compared with sales for the same period in 2008. This continues a strong trend after bookstore sales reached an all-time annual high in 2008 of about 200,000 copies sold.

Copies sold ain't copies actually read. College students have been carrying this one thousand page paperback since the mid-sixties, mainly I'm guessing just to piss off the faculty. The professoriat hates this fucking book and carrying it in full view is sure to piss them off to the nines. I don't know if they still rise to the bait but when I was "packing" several profs indicated that not only was everyone who believed that "shit" not really worthy of a classical education but all papers submitted by the sub normal readers would be carefully read to see if plagiarism occurred. Ayn Rand is hated on every campus in the land. Ayn Rand is also read on every campus in the land, but Atlas Shrugged? I don't know of any person who has read it cover to cover.
(tip via Jawa Report, which btw is a totally good read today; main link here)


Anonymous said...

Rather like a nasty microbe sighting a bleach bottle.....

Anonymous said...

I have.

Kim du Toit said...

I did, age 17, as a freshman college student. Didn't impress me then, even. Less so, now.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because I went college much later(early to mid80's)I got a much better response from copies of Solzhenitsyn and pretty much anything by Conquest(especially from history profs).

Reportedly,when his publisher asked what he wanted to title one of his later works,Conquest said "call it "I fucking told you so"".

Anonymous said...

So have I, and several people I know. You need to get out more, Howard, as in "out of LA".

Howard said...

Well when I was in college I was only interested in two things: passing and pussy.

Anonymous said...

Noble goals,Howard,noble goals.