A Facist State is Upon Us
The Democrats of just seized control of all media, radio, internet, and TV. It's in the "stimulus" package that wasn't read or debated (second link HERE). The FCC now is basically ordered to look into the license of each and every radio station and if content isn't "balanced" they will take the license away. Since the Left controls all the oversight it means the end of any of us they want to shut down. This is worse than any of us ever dreamed possible and Waxman is riding point on this.
I don't see any reference to the stimulus package containing language about the fairness doctrine. The Democrats haven't seized anything. You have one unattributed quote from a blogger which doesn't equal "Democrats seize control of the media"
I posted a second link to another "fringe" blogger called The Spectator. Camille Paglia is ranting on it right now. Wake up, Dude. It's happening. An American Krystal Nacht has taken place but instead of burning a Synagogue they are burning the Bill of Rights.
The link you posted was linked in your original quote. You have an anonymous blogger quoting an anonymous Democrat. Considering this country operated under the fairness doctrine for 50 years references Krystal Nacht doesn't even approach a proportional analogy. No one died under the fairness doctrine.
I didn't think the Democrats would do it but now I'm not so sure. I can't imagine it will turn out well for them. Limbaugh et el will simply use this as a club to batter the Dems.
Lefties are maniacally clever at concealing unconstitutional policies with orwellian names and regulations. Rather than an open debate and vote, the dems hide massive power grabs in huge bills like this so no one catches on until it's too late. We free speech supporters must rally behind our outlets. The regulations will cut both ways--target THEM--MSM, left-wing bloggers, etc. the same way. Test cases will need to go to Supreme Court. Do Americans have the courage to fight for our Constitution? I certainly hope so.
I live in Left LA and had lunch with two lawyer pals of mine and the conversation turned to this subject. Both said they'd love to take this to court because it wouldn't get past Municipal. But there is also a liberal backlash against what is obviously an attempt to control the web as well as talk radio. Ultimately I think this will die a slow death. BTW Paglia is also pissed at this.
Fascism is upon us; not only in this country but around the world. Islamic and leftist fascism. There is a huge backlash coming from those of us who cherish our freedom. CAP, Media Matters, Moveon (Soros, Inc.) might have an army of millions, but Talk Radio has millions more. I guarantee Rush supporters would protest march. It would likely be the catalyst for a popular revolution (hopefully peaceful) to take back this country. Do the lefties really want to risk that?
I stand corrected. The attempt is NOT a part of the Stimulus Package. The Libs, led by Henry Waxman, are "meeting" with the CFTC to see how they can re-interpret the current rules so that both the internet and radio stations can be controlled. Hot Air reports on this as well.
Both the White House and Waxman denied the reports
Fueling discussion, a report in the American Spectator this week said aides to Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman, Calif., met last week with staff for the Federal Communications Commission to discuss ways to enact Fairness Doctrine policies. The report said Waxman was also interested in applying those standards to the Internet, which drew ridicule from supporters and opponents of the doctrine.
Both the FCC and Waxman's office denied the report.
Still, there's a lot of chatter about it.
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