
Oscar the Homo?

I'll leave the disgusting details of the Academy Awards to the normal Movie Blogs, but just switching it on while surfing between basketball games puked me out. What I saw wasn't so much fruity as it was the "superior than thou" language and attitudes of the completely disconnected from reality presenters and winners. This deadly combination had to kill ratings (assuming people actually watched this shit) as well as any future box office grosses. Who's to blame? The corporation suits, the guys at the tippy top, the hate America Left that controls all the studios, as well as the homosexual activists who now control Hollywood (how else to explain the Oh so Sweet presenters?). How long can these creeps last? Considering that the money they take from "investors" for producing movies they all know will bomb is close to being an outright crime, how long will it be before some stockholder or investor actually goes after these grifters?

Wall Street Perp Walks Go Hollywood, sounds good.

1 comment:

Kim du Toit said...

I only caught a few minutes of the thing -- the last half-hour, maybe -- but I was struck by one thing: when all the previous Best Actress winners were on stage, the only one who looked like an actual woman (as opposed to a giggling schoolgirl) was Sophie Loren.

She's STILL one of the sexiest women alive... and she's in her seventies.